Big Hero 6 versus Interstellar: The battle of the Box Office

The battle for the box office has started, both Big Hero 6 and Interstellar are in a tight, neck and neck race to take the top spot of the weekend. According to Box Office Mojo, Interstellar made $4.2 million in its Thursday limited release and Wednesday Imax screenings, while Big Hero 6 made $1.4 million in its Thursday preview screenings. Originally, Interstellar was projected to win the weekend, but its Wednesday IMAX numbers were not as strong as expected, resulting in news sources such as The Hollywood Reporter expecting Big Hero 6 to take the weekend.

Both Big Hero 6 and Interstellar are poised to open to huge success, regardless of the outcome. Combined, both movies will easily surpass $100 million for the weekend, which will put this weekend’s performance over last year’s when Thor: The Dark World opened to $85 million. Box Office Mojo puts both Interstellar and Big Hero 6 at around $55-$60 million for the weekend. Several factors will play a huge influence as to which movie will come out on top. For one, Big Hero 6 has the advantage of stellar reviews. Big Hero 6 is standing at a 90% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes, while Interstellar is sitting at just a 72% rating. Although, despite a significant difference in reviews, both block busters have similar ratings from movie goers.  Big Hero 6 and Interstellar have respectively 92% and 90% positive approval ratings.

Another factor to consider is  the audience. Both Interstellar and Big Hero 6 are based on the hottest genres; Big Hero 6 being a comic book movie and Interstellar being a science fiction movie. Interstellar has the backing of both Christopher Nolan fans and adults that love sci fi movies like Inception, while Big Hero 6 is geared at the traditional family audience with the added comic book movie appeal. However, family friendly animated movies tend to preform better at the box office than blockbuster live action films, most recently shown by the monster performance from Disney’s last animated film, Frozen.

I will discuss with several guests the performance of Big Hero 6 and Interstellar and predict which movie will win in the podcast below.


Derek: Hello everyone and welcome to beyond the film’s first podcast ever, I’m your host Derek Chapman, and let me introduce you to my co-hosts.
Evan: I am Evan Ahrendsen
Alex: I am Alex Sperandio
Daniel: and I’m Daniel Chapman
Derek: Today we’re going to be talking about Big Hero 6 and Interstellar, two of the big topics in Hollywood right now, today they’re going to be battling it out in the box office. Its a very close race, they’re both expected to make $55-60 million at the box office and its a pretty big competition, I’m going to be asking you some questions, okay?
Evan, Alex, Daniel: Okay
Derek: Big Hero 6 and Interstellar are battling it out at the box office this week and are neck and neck, what do you think are the biggest elements that will affect their preformance, Evan?
Evan: Well, whenever you look at Interstellar, the fact that its an Imax film I’m sure no doubt will contribute to its status as an event film, and its also by Christopher Nolan, he’s a fan favorite and he’s coming right off of The Dark Knight Rises and his last original film was Inception which was also a sic fi film and did really well. Also, Interstellar has legendary pictures producing it and they’re a company that does a lot of crowd pleasing films. As for big hero six its a family film that has a wider audience. Its a super hero film, which is big right now. And its a disney film, always bet with the mouse i’d say.
Derek: Alex?
Alex: Granted, I don’t watch a lot of television but I’d have to assume that there would be a lot more commercials pointed at more adult television programs, news stations maybe. Big hero six would get more on family networks. I think Interstellar right now, -granted I personally don’t believe reviews mean a lot- Big Hero 6 is rated a little higher according to aggregate ratings. Overall I think even Legendary pictures and Christopher Nolan are two major goliaths in the film industry but Disney is still Disney so its going to be very tough to overcome that goliath in the film industry. Also interstellar is pointed more at adults who like science fictions movies and people who like action films while Big Hero 6 is more pointed at much wider gerth of people, adults, children, alike will want to see it; families will want to see it together. So while I think both will do well I think Big Hero 6 is probably edging out Interstellar.
Derek: Daniel what do you think?
Daniel: I actually think that Interstellar has certain elements in common with 2001 a Space Oddesy, and it might actually be able to ride off some of the success that film had. Even though it was a long time ago people still know a thing or two about that movie and that might help popularize it. Along with the fact that it is directed by Christopher Nolan who made the very well received Dark Knight Trilogy. Derek: Do you think Interstellar lived up to his legacy? Daniel: I think so, if you know a little bit of science you have to tolerate a little pseudoscience. For the sake of the plot they have to exaggerate certain things like the affected general relativity, but I don’t want to spoil too much. I think it has everything of what audiences need. I think they’ll enjoy it.
Derek: So now we’re going to take this to a vote, and if you want you can predict how much each one will make. Evan?
Evan: I vote on Big Hero 6. This is coming off of Frozen, one of the highest grossing animated movies of all time and consequently one of the highest grossing films of all time. Its a super hero movie, to say the least super hero films are hot right now. The number one film this year so far is Guardians of the Galaxy. The character Beymax is very toyetic if you will use that term. Its a very marketable mascot character. Its building brand recognition just by having good design. I’m not necessarily in the position of making predictions of the box office but I think it will do at least as well as an equivalent film of this time of year, maybe not Frozen but maybe close to Wreck It Ralph’s success.
Derek: Okay, Alex.
Alex: I’m going to have to side with Evan here, Big Hero 6 is going to take the weekend. If I had to give you numbers on how good they’re going to be this year I don’t think i could do that. I’d have to say that Big Hero 6 would beat interstellar by a good 10 million. I think they’re both going to be really high, though.
Derek: Okay, Daniel. What do you think?
Daniel: I pretty much have the same exact opinion as what Alex just said.
Derek: So you think Big Hero 6 is going to win?
Daniel: I think Big Hero 6 will take it, yeah. What Evan was saying earlier, it is a disney movie and appeals to a wider variety of audiences. You know, its more kid friendly and more people would be willing to take their whole family to see Big Hero Six. So I think it will end up winning.
Derek: Okay, I think that wraps this whole thing up. Thank you for your time, and I hope this podcast let you see a little bit beyond the film. Do you guys want to say goodbye?

Evan, Alex, Daniel: Goodbye!

Sources Cited:
Subers, R. (2014). Forecast: ‘Interstellar,’ ‘Big Hero 6’ to Achieve Liftoff This Weekend. Box Office Mojo. Retrieved from

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